When this concept is fully engineered it could be more effective than a screw type propeller. Although it doesn't have an angle of attack the closed version can be pressurized and a dense incompressible liquid could be used (water?) instead of air. When this is done it should be possible to build a unit small enough to fit inside a helicopter instead of above it. The advantage of not having rotors outside is obvious. It should also be possible to build a unit that could "fly" a single person such as a Marine. Such a machine equipped with a good muffler could be a huge military advantage. The closed version could also be used in space along with solar power it would not run out of fuel.
I call this a new way to push because it reaches beyond the preconceived notion that the only way to move something is to apply a force to it.  It is possible to move something by removing a force that was holding it still.

 A weight hanging from a string can be moved by cutting the string.  Gravity is already applying a force for you.

  A closed container has a balance of forces acting on it. Reducing the force in one direction only can cause it to move. That's what this machine does by combining Bernoulli Principle and the elementary concept of relative velocities to cause more flow velocity on one surface than on the opposing surface.
This situation is used in the game Baseball to cause the ball to curve. A rotation on the vertical axis causes one side of the ball to have a head wind and other side to have a tail wind.



  If we use two disc rotating in opposing directions we have the conditions needed in only one area, between them, and that is easy to deal with. One could be mounted on a shaft in a cylinder while the other is mounted on a bearing which is on the same shaft. All we need to do is inject the fluid between them on the tangent like in a turbine and let it out with a hole at the center. So the gap between is really an open container. Now we have a system which could produce nearly 100% difference in the velocity above the lower disc and below the upper disc.

  The fan at the top pulls the fluid (water) in and blows it down to the gap between the contra rotating disc. The fluid   enters the area on the tangent of the disc in the direction that the upper disc is rotating. The fluid is forced by it's velocity to rotate and move toward the center hole, spiraling toward the center where it is exhausted back to the fan.

  When the fluid and the lower surface of the upper disc are moving nearly the same velocity the Bernoulli pressure loss will be less than the pressure loss on the upper adjacent surface which is moving the opposite direction.

 This is what it could look like:


  Remember the point of this machine is not to add a force in the direction we want the thing to go. Sufficient force is already there. Instead the point is to reduce the opposing force inside the container. That's what Bernoulli does (reduces a force). The force that will do the moving is already there.

Most importantly it should be noticed that the fluid having already caused lift as it exits the gap between disc could then be returned to the pumping system and reused. This is because the area where the lift is generated is actually an open container. There is no need for the fluid to exit the vehicle. This condition allows the machine to be a closed container by bringing the fluid back to the fan by a different path than it was sent out from.

  When the closed version is selected the fluid could be a liquid under pressure causing considerable reduction in overall size of the unit. When the size of the unit is reduced to such an extent then the unit could be built into the craft and the craft could have an streamlined exterior allowing it to move about in wooded areas.

  There are two directions of argument against the possibility of a closed container producing lift.
1- Newtons first law says a body at rest will remain at rest until it is affected by a second body outside of itself. This does not mean that a closed container could not be moved by something "inside" of it. Newton meant "outside" in the logical sense not the geometric. He meant "not a part of". Get a cardboard box and put a bowling ball in it. Close it. Pick it up and let it tip slightly. When the ball hits the "inner" surface of the box you will feel the box moved by the ball. The ball is not a part of the box. The ball can move the box. Just as the fluid in a closed container is not a part of the container it can move the container. Now it remains to find a way to make the fluid hit one surface harder than it hits the opposite surface continuously and that's what the combination of relative motion and Bernoulli does.


Important factors:
 1- The constant used in the Bernoulli principal is derived from the specific gravity of the fluid. This why a boat propeller is much smaller that an airplane propeller. Using a liquid such as oil or water in this machine allows a big reduction in size of the unit.
 2- The static pressure can be increased considerably by pressurizing the unit. This would give a much greater potential pressure reduction by Bernoulli.
 3- Bernoulli does not add a pressure to a system. It reduces a pressure that is already there.

 A- If a craft can be built light enough to use solar cells for the power source it would not have a maximum altitude. Take off like an helicopter and "fly" to the moon.
refer to http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Newsroom/FactSheets/FS-034-DFRC.html

 B- Replace the rotors on a helicopter with units of this design and never fear hitting a power line or tree branch.

 C- Small units could be used for individual transportation. Can you imagine the striking power of 100 Marines coming straight down on an enemy position at night?

Another explanation of the concept. my analysis:
History of Design. history_of_ design.doc


For best viewing use 1024x768 resolution with landscape format and no wrap.
For best printing use landscape format.(sideways on paper for the excel files)

To compare with standard propellers I have found a web sight that shows thrust of props tested on several motors.
http://flyingmodels.org/motortest/pdf/TheMotortest_5.pdf see page nine. Use exit button to return
One of the items is 13 x 8 8 1 250 44,1 5 890 28,0 72 45 234 5,3 44,6 8,2 showing a 13 inch prop with a pitch of 8 producing 44.1 oz. of thrust at 5890 R.P.M.
44.1 oz. = 2.75 lbs.
A spread sheet analysis:
Excel Table (requires Excel):
A spread sheet analysis of the real total pressure developed.
Excel Table (requires Excel):
The logic of Newton's law:
External force ?:
newton bodies:
free body diagram:
baseball curve pitch:
relative velocities explained:
Explains unequal forces:

Selected facts:

PATENT # 6,405,976

Angel needed.
Also venture capitalist needed to take over.

For more information email me. pjacoby@newlifter.com
ph. 618-656-1931